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The project focuses on the enhancement of Cultural Heritage and local Identity and seeks to perpetuate the traditions that mark the history of the region.

The involvement of seniors in the transmission of knowledge to people of working age allows, on the one hand, social integration and, on the other hand, the continuation and transmission of knowledge from generation to generation. The project starts with a focus on training, where trainers and elderly people, holders of this knowledge, transmit their knowledge, contributing to the creation of new products. Tradition and innovation come together.

This project is coordinated by Professor Alexandra Cruchinho, researcher at CICANT and has, for now, the collaboration of researchers Ana Sofia Marcelo and Paula Peres from CIPEC and the Fashion Designer Daniela Duarte.

Fundão City Hall and the Parish Councils of Póvoa de Atalaia and Atalaia do Campo join efforts, in partnership with the Lusófona University, to perpetuate this traditional technology that marks the history and culture of this people.