Maria de Fatima Mattos
PhD in Arts (History of Art) from the School of Communication and Arts ECA/USP (SP). Master’s in History from the Faculty of History, Law and Social Work at UNESP/Franca (SP). Degree in Art Education, Music, Drawing and Pedagogy. BA in Music from the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP). She is a lecturer in Higher Education on the Fashion and Architecture and Urbanism courses at the Moura Lacerda University Centre (RP), in the subjects of Aesthetics and History of Art, History of Brazilian Art and History of Design. She has experience in postgraduate studies (lato sensu) with an emphasis on the History of Planning and Use of Domestic Spaces; Modern Art; Material Culture. She has worked as a Lecturer/Researcher on the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programme – PPGE Master’s in Education (2006-2021). She is a Course and Higher Institution Evaluator for INEP/MEC. She is interested in research into education, the history of school institutions, school culture, fashion and women’s education in the 19th and 20th centuries, vocational schools and manual arts. Founder of the Fashion Colloquium (2005). She is currently Director of the Brazilian Association of Fashion Studies and Research (Abepem). Researcher and Vice-President of the São Paulo Institute of Creative Cities and Cultural Identities (IPCCIC). Member of the Ribeirão Preto Academy of Education (ARE), occupying chair 26. She is a lecturer and has published articles and books.