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Aalto University – Finland

Sofia Pantouvaki

Dr. Sofia Pantouvaki is a scenographer and Professor of Costume Design at Aalto University, Finland. She is an awarded practising designer with over 90 design credits for theatre, film, opera and dance productions in major European venues and curator of international projects. She co-curated the Finnish Student exhibit at PQ15 (Gold Medal winner) and was international Jury member for PQ19. Her work has been exhibited on three continents, including at World Stage Design 2017. She is a founding Editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Studies in Costume and Performance. Also, Chair of Critical Costume; OISTAT Executive Committee member; Vice-Head for Research of the OISTAT Costume Sub-commission; and Vice President of the Hellenic Costume Society. She led the research project “Costume Methodologies” funded by the Academy of Finland (2014-2018) and is lead editor of Performance Costume: New Perspectives and Methods (Bloomsbury, 2021). Her research work currently focuses on performance costume, curation, and clothing in the concentration camps of WW2. (Website: