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This exhibition includes a set of proposals for new garments made from used clothing and/or fabrics.

This project aims to reduce fashion’s footprint in terms of waste and remnants from the production cycles of clothing in industry and clothing not used by consumers. 

The project begins with a campaign to collect used clothing and textile materials in the two Higher Education Institutions of the Lusófona Education Group with courses in the area of fashion design being, Lusófona University and ISMAT (Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes). With the collection of these materials, it was possible to gather the fashion students from both institutions, in class context, to develop proposals for new products.

The aim was, in a first phase, to allow students to have contact with different textile materials and to know how to identify their typologies.

In a next phase, and this being the main objective, to transform used into New Fashion Design Products. 

This is an upcycling project that aims to raise the awareness and responsibility of these new generations of professionals for the current issue of sustainability and circularity.

The institutions, Universidade Lusófona and ISMAT, assume this position in the training of new professionals in Fashion Design.